Maintenance and repairs for staff

Yearly maintenance

Annually, one free maintenance is included in the rental price. The bicycle is checked for defects, the chain is lubricated and gears and brakes are adjusted for free. You are charged the cost of parts that are replaced (brake blocks, inner tubes, tyres, lights, ...).

Perform repairs yourself

You may also make your own repairs. In that case you only pay for the parts you use. The tools are made available free of charge.

1st week = warranty week

When you rent a bicycle at vzw De Fietsambassade Gent, you receive a sturdy, well maintained bicycle. But something can always go wrong. If you encounter problems or construction errors during the first week of your rental contract, your bicycle will be replaced for free at the central rental location. So test your bicycle when you receive it: go for a short ride around the block so you’re certain everything is in good order.

If the defect originated through your own error or misuse of the bicycle, you’ll get charged with the actual price of the repairs. A tariff list is available at all the bicycle repair workshops.