Cycling is healthy, funny and practical! Anyone can learn to ride a bike... including adults. Discover our teaching offer:

Level 1: Learning to ride a bike - for beginners
Learn to cycle a bike independently in your neighborhood in 10 lessons. We start with the bike by hand and end with a group bike ride on the public road.
€ 25 for 10 lessons. UITPAS Ghent with chance rate: € 5 for 10 lessons. In the neighborhood Rabot - Blaisantvest you can also pay with Torekes. The use of a bike, bike helmet and insurance are included in the price.
- You can bring your own bike for the lessons but this isn't required.
- Put on cycling clothes: long trousers with narrow legs, sturdy closed shoes and if necessary a raincoat.
- Register at a District Health Centre near you.
Dampoort: Wednesday 13:00 - 15:00
- Leson on: 17/01, 24/01, 31/01, 7/02, 21/02, 28/02, 6/03, 13/03, 20/03, 27/03
- Location: Buurtcentrum Doornakkerstraat 52, 9040 Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Sint Amandsberg, Hannelore Vanlee (, 09 285 70 00)
Nieuw Gent: Monday and Thursday 13:00 - 15:00
- Lesson on: 5/2, 8/2, 19/2, 22/2, 26/2, 29/2, 4/3, 7/3, 11/3, 14/3
- Location: Garageboxen Kikvorsstraat - site Tine Hannick, 9000 Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Nieuw Gent, Katrien Vanleirberghe (, 09 221 21 81)
Bloemekenswijk: Tuesday 17:30 - 19:30
- Lesson on: 16/4, 23/4, 30/4,7/5,14/5,21/5,28/5,4/6,11/6,18/6
- Location: Sporthal Dracuna, Dracenastraat 8, 9000 Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum De Kaai, Lara Hardeman (, 09216 86 54)
Rabot: Friday 13:30 - 15:30
- Lesson on: 19/4, 26/4, 3/5, 17/5, 24/5, 31/5, 7/6, 14/6, 21/6, 28/6
- Location: Rabotpark, Opgeeïstenlaan 401, 9000 Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Rabot, Stephanie Byl (, 09 277 10 73)
Watersportbaan: Tuesday and Thursday 13:00 - 15:00
- Lesson on: 4/6, 6/6, 11/6, 13/6, 18/6, 20/6, 25/6, 27/6, 2/7, 4/7
- Location: Nekkersberglaan 2, Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Watersportbaan, Lize Vanhaverbeke
(, 09 222 26 46)
Brugse Poort, Malpertuus: Tuesday and Thursday 18:00 - 20:00
- Lesson on 27/8, 29/8, 3/9, 5/9, 10/9, 12/9, 17/9, 19/9, 24/9, 26/9
- Location: Basisschool Octopus, Drongensesteenweg 146, 9000 Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Brugse Poort & Malpertuus, Julie Descamps (, 09 226 10 49)
Nieuw Gent: Tuesday and Thursday 13:00 - 15:00
- Lesson on: 24/9, 26/9, 1/10, 3/10, 8/10, 10/10, 15/10, 17/10, 22/10, 24/10
- Location: Garageboxen Kikvorsstraat - site Tine Hannick, 9000 Gent
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Nieuw Gent, Katrien Vanleirberghe (, 09 221 21 81)
Gentbrugge: Thursday 9:30 - 11:30
- Lesson on: 19/9, 26/9, 3/10, 10/10, 17/10, 24/10, 7/11, 14/11, 21/11, 28/11
- Location: Kliniekstraat 29a - 9050 Gentbrugge
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum De Punt, Catherine De Koker (, 09 331 53 70)
Level 2: Cycling in the city - for those who can already cycle a bit
You will learn more about traffic and traffic rules. Under the guidance of the instructors, you will go cycling in the neighborhood and in the city. Gradually, we move on to cycling in real traffic, crossing tram tracks and so on.
€ 15 for 5 lessons. UITPAS Ghent with chance rate: € 3 for 5 lessons.
- You can bring your own bike for the lessons but this isn't required.
- Put on cycling clothes: long trousers with narrow legs, sturdy closed shoes and if necessary a raincoat.
Muide-Tolhuis: Thursday 9:30 - 11:30
Ledeberg: Tuesday 13:00 - 15:00
- Lesson on: 17/09, 24/09, 01/10, 08/10, 15/10
- Location: Hundelgemsesteenweg, Buurtsporthal Ledeberg
- Register: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Botermarkt, Leen Lancksweerdt (, 09 232 32 33)