Those who ride a bicycle have more opportunities in society. It promotes independence and opens doors to work, education and relaxation. But cycling is not self-evident for everyone. Colleagues Leen and Liesbet explain what actions they take to combat transport poverty.
Leen, cycling coach: "There are many reasons why people do not have access to a bicycle. They have never learned to cycle or feel insecure in traffic. They do not have enough budget to buy a decent bicycle or reduced mobility limits their ability to cycle. We make cycling in Ghent accessible to everyone. Inclusion is a core value at De Fietsambassade. You will notice this not only in our HR policy, which is largely based on social employment, but also in our services, with which we want to be there for everyone.
Find your way, with the cycling coach
Leen: "At the Cycling Embassy of Ghent I take on the task of cycling coach. I give people advice about buying, renting or sharing a suitable bicycle, possibly adapted to specific needs. I show the way to cycling lessons to those who cannot yet ride a bicycle (properly). I also refer people to other organizations, such as the 'Fietskeukens' for free help with bicycle repairs, or 'Op Wielekes' for borrowing children's bicycles. I also provide information about bicycle maintenance and repair (such as inflating tires, lubricating the chain, etc.), bicycle theft prevention (how to choose a good bicycle lock and how to use it optimally) and safe cycling routes in and around Ghent. In short, I help anyone who wants to ride a bicycle.
Cycling lessons for adults, children and young people
Leen: "In collaboration with the Ghent Community Health Centers, we organize cycling lessons for adults. The doctors and nurses of the Community Health Centers reach a diverse target group of people, some of whom experience transport poverty. These are often newcomers and people with a limited income. By getting them on bicycles, we have a positive impact on their general well-being and increase their access to work, education and hobbies. Children and young people can also go to De Fietsambassade for cycling lessons."

The bicycle taxi for those with reduced mobility
Liesbet, bicycle taxi coordinator: "We are available with the bicycle taxi for anyone with reduced mobility and needs a short journey in Ghent. Think of elderly or blind people, wheelchair users or someone who cannot cycle due to a broken leg. The drivers of the bicycle taxis are volunteers and a mix of newcomers and less new residents of Ghent. By keeping prices low, we want to get as many people as possible into our bicycle taxi and help them with their daily activities (shopping, doctor's visit, pleasure ride, etc.). This is possible from 3 euros for a single ride.

An affordable bicycle and bicycle repair for everyone
Leen: "Lack of money should not be an obstacle to ride a bicycle. That is why we sell reconditioned second-hand bicycles at the Cycling Embassy of Ghent, also at a reducation rate for those who need it most. During our cycling lessons we provide a basic bicycle maintenance workshop, and we teach participants, for example, how to inflate their tires and lubricate the chain themselves. We also show them the way to organizations where they can go to for repairs at an affordable price. We want to make additional efforts in the future to get people cycling: giving more lessons at different levels, offering new lesson locations, expanding the range of lesson bicycles and attracting extra volunteers.